Saturday, October 31, 2009


今天,终于度过了我在学校里疲备的一天. 原本以为巴士会准时到达,好让我可以早点回家休息,怎知却让我痴痴的等了一个多小时!最后还得搭德士回家!在吉隆坡住了两年多,觉得最糟糕的就是公共交通系统,也许也称不上是系统,因为根本是毫无效率可言!真的厌倦了这种等待的时间.....

回想起我的家乡,虽说不是大城市.但交通比这里方便几十倍,价钱公道,路程直接! 最重要还是那重重的人情味和那纯扑的民风...今天晚上细雨蒙蒙,让我想起了家乡那棵长青的纸花树和那弯弯的明月.....

Friday, October 30, 2009

What is the purpose of exam?

I have spend my 17 years to sit for exams since I'm born in this world! Did anyone question about it's purpose for existing? It is merely to test the understanding of student or just want to rank and categories them from the best to the worst. Many of us busy preparing for a bunch of exams in every year until no one really try to find out the essence of it! We are just like a slaver of the exam questions. Don't you agree? After our teacher teach us all the knowledge , they will tell us, "all of this is for exam purposes and it is not applicable in our real life!"
I heard this since I attend my primary school. Since everyone know it is not applicable, then why we still need to study for all of this? We all are lost! At least we are conceptually wrong. That's why so many students commit suicide just because a piece of paper! Then what is the problem? Actually we only need to tune our mindsets. We should be taught to apply our knowledge! Try to make our study life more interesting. What we need is creative in our study life!